You want proof? I've got proof. Just check out my Instagram feed. That's what I've been doing instead of blogging the past few months. And yes that beef rib is as big as my head.
It's been insane.
Insanely tasty.
Insanely fun.
And insanely bad for me.
I know this because even though I've been doing p90X 3 for about 3 weeks, I feel like I haven't majorly increased my fitness (and definitely haven't lost weight) and I'm apparently so dehydrated from all my fun that my arms (actually they do look pretty good) hurt so badly I can barely put on the support garments that are much need by most any woman in her day-to-day routine.
Houston, we have a problem.
We had a problem.
Yesterday, during a simple walk with Wookie!, Monday became THE day when I stopped the insanity (I winced too). For the next 30 days I am going to treat every day as a day to look back on and be proud of and a day that will not require a restart the next morning.
All I ask of you is that you not offer to buy be a drink or tempt me with any other sort of deliciousness until around the 4th of July. Cause who's gonna want a slice of cake on the nation's 238th birthday. This girl.
Any changes you're trying to make? Maybe it's going to bed earlier, watching less TV or maybe even watching more TV?! (Summer can mean the perfect time to binge watch those shows everyone else is talking about- Mashable tells you exactly how much time to block off.)
And now enjoy this blast from the past: