Thursday, June 6, 2013

It's been too long, but I've been busy.

It's been too long since I last posted. And I'll readily admit that there's not enough hours in the day combined with the fact that I was too tired to divide my attention between watching Scandal and writing blog posts.  Some things just deserve a person's full attention.

Ya know?

Along with my commitment to JLSA (winning JLSA 2012-2013 Board Member of the year! what?!)
Justin's first JLSA meeting EVER!
The award!

helping a dear friend raise funds to beat blood cancers ($130,000+ for the LLS Man and Woman of the Year competition),
Justin, Bryce, Erin and me celebrating Team Bryce!

focusing on my running (which has gone past a jogrun to an actual run),
Beach 2 Bay half marathon relay team: Coastbusters (Lake, Erica, Matt, Mireya, Justin and Me).
#AintFraidOfNoCoast.  We finished in 4:43:21 with an avg pace of  10:48.
going to community events at awesome places like SAMA,
Justin, Elizabeth and me holding art we liked. Duh.
keeping my Mom happy on Mother's Day (don't knock the bowling),

and visiting my best friend, Amy, in San Fran,
They have happy hours at places with views of things like the light show on the Bay Bridge. (Me, Tori and Amy) #LivinsEasy
I've also maintained my sanity by watching TV that makes the hubs retch (no pics of the poor programming choices or pics of Justin looking ill are necessary).

But I also go to Scorpions games with him, so you won't hear any real complaints.

They won!
So that's a quick recap of the last month.  What's new with you?