It's been a busy year already and I was hoping to have posted more by now. I had big plans for that today and went to get some pictures off my iPhone when my lovely little Macbook told me that I didn't have much space left on my computer for many images. So, I'm gonna hold off on exciting posts about my failed spaghetti squash adventure and the successful quinoa "mac" and cheese.
A few firsts for the year though (with pics to come later):
- I gave blood and it was easy and fast and I'm looking forward to doing it again!
- I 've already jogrun two 5ks. One was this morning- Superbowl Sunday!
- I've checked into a gym on 4square 8 days in a row (partially cause the race this morning started at a Spectrum, but I worked out so it counts)
I think this is going to an awesome year, full of fun times with friends and I still can't believe it's already February!