Monday, November 15, 2010

No Green Thumb...

I wanted windowsill basil.  That was the only thing I wanted to grow. Just some basil in a pot on the windowsill.  Justin indulged me.  We went to Lowe's. I bought a Thai basil plant and a Sweet basil plant and two planters that awesomely enough were named Ariana.

I had read that they didn't need a bunch of water. I thought they would have enough sun. I thought I would never have to buy overpriced basil again.

I was wrong.

Both plants started to die, wilting before my very eyes. The soil was moist, and the bamboo next to the pots kept growing, but the plants said "pblt" and keeled over.

I tried again.

I bought one more basil plant, this time at my local HEB. It smelled lovely- like hope and promise of yummy basil for years to come.

Hope lasted about a week, before it petered out in the same fashion as the previous two plants. I mourned the whole thing for a few days before I finally threw the plants out.  I would look at them while doing dishes, wondering where did I go so horribly wrong as to not be able to grown a potted plant.

I don't know that I'll try again.  I went through the same thing with pet goldfish when I was younger. I don't think I been the same since.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Midterm Elections...

They're never as exciting as those where we choose the leader of our country. But, you could be voting for someone who might choose to be the leader of our country later down the line.

In Texas we're voting for our Governor. The last Texas Governor went on to become president.

I voted early.  Well on the last day of early voting, I was able to vote where ever.  If you weren't a last-minute-procrastinating-early-voter like me and don't know where you're registered to vote, just ask Google "Where to Vote" and it'll help you out with a handy dandy little box for your address.

Course you gotta know you're registered.  I'm sure Google can lead you to the right place to figure that out too.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pumpkin Carving…

This is a Halloween tradition that is not for the weak or timid.  It takes precision, patience, and persistence. The use of opposable thumbs. It takes a basic understanding of shapes and an awareness that the end product might look like it was art directed by a youngster learning shapes.

Behold Cyclops Vampire
We'll call him Cy.

Cy is what I did for my office’s pumpkin carving contest.  This is a contest in which you vote for the pumpkin you think is best. I entered my pumpkin because I figured I would help fill out the field.  There had been a rumor going around that not a lot of people were going to enter pumpkins because they were too busy at work.  Needless to say given the field of entries mine wasn’t the best.

So, my “cannot-tell-a-lie-with-a-single-bone-in-my-body” self did not vote for Cy. Poor Cy.

Here were the winners:

PacMan going for the Ghost.

Tiffany Lamp
This wasn’t the only round of carving this year.  We went over to a friend’s place Saturday night and everyone brought pizza and pumpkins.  We all carved a pumpkin and ate the toasted seeds (which reminds me I have seeds that still need toasting).

Here’s the family photo:
Top row left to right: Dan's Life and Times of Time Character, My Scaredy Goofball, Lisa's Traditional
Bottom row left to right: Carrie's Owl, My Justin's Silly Guy, Sara's Voldemort, Carrie's Justin's Angry Baby Pumpkin, Jamie's Snarky Guy

Fun was had by all, though it was decided that pumpkin carving is some ridiculously hard work and it’s a good thing people are only expected to do it once a year.